Ian Lynam — Species Regret
June 3rd – June 4th, 2016 (3PM - 7PM)
Friday, June 3rd at 4PM & 6PM
Saturday June 4th at 4PM & 6PM
Goya Curtain is pleased to present Species Regret, an exhibition of writing, sound, installation and prints by Ian Lynam. The exhibition is accompanied by the release of a new book of collect-ed fiction in a signed and numbered limited edition of 100, which will be available for sale for ¥2000 each.
In lieu of a traditional opening, there will be a series of 4 unique informal readings drawing from material within Species Regret's greater cosmology, including unpublished writing.
Species Regret explores notions of what the world might be like if gods of the Hellenic and Norse tradition walked the earth today. Within the exhibition, the development of identity of self is examined through object relations study, mythology, projection, introjection and, ultimately, narrative.
Quoting the introduction to Lynam’s new book, “Today, we live in more or less a godless world—we look to the collapse of the Greek economy rather than to Hellenic tradition. This es-chewing of the past and what is culturally perceived as the basis of Western civilization offers up further identification with the gods and heroes of yore: if gods and their offspring walked the earth today, they would be irrelevant beings of tradition and immense might. Simultaneously, they would be losers of the sorest sort—defeated, withdrawn, aimless and immensely fucked-up.”
Drawing upon the narratives within his new book, Lynam has created a series of darkly resonant standalone typographic prints alongside a two-track cassette tape soundtrack that explores the concept of identificatory mimetism—the negotiation of the projected and introjected self in rela-tion to mythology. Accompanying these elements are an installation of insidious found objects presented as seeming evidence as to the presence of the supernatural in our world.
About Ian Lynam
Born in New York in 1972, Ian Lynam works in Tokyo at the intersection of design, design edu-cation and design research. His studio has been based in Tokyo since 2005. Ian Lynam is Chair and faculty at Vermont College of Fine Arts in the MFA Graphic Design program. He is faculty in Tokyo at Meme Design School and faculty at Temple University Japan. His work is in the per-manent collections of NYMOMA, SFMOMA and the Newberry Library.
Species Regret
金曜日 ・6月3日 16:00 と 18:00
土曜日 ・6月4日 16:00 と 18:00
ゴヤカーテンにて、イアン・ライナムの『SPECIES REGRET・落胆の種(しゅ)』を開催いたします。ストーリー、サウンド、インスタレーション、ポスターのミックスメディア。ギャラリーでは、ライナムの最新小説集も販売いたします。著者のサイン付き、100冊限定発売。価格は2000円です。
「SPECIES REGRET・落胆の種(しゅ)」は、もし古代ギリシアと古代北欧の神々が現代の地球に舞い降りてきたときに、何を考えるのかを探求。展示では、アイデンティティーの問題を、物との関係、神話の投影・摂取、そして、物語を通して考えていきます。
Translation by Shu Kuge