Joel Kirkham
“So on and so forth”
January 21st – 28th, 2018
Opening: January 21, 24, 25, 27, 28 3-7pm and by appointment.
Preview: Sunday, January 21st 3-7PM
(Japanese follows English)
Goya Curtain is pleased to present “So on and so forth”, an exhibition by Tokyo based artist Joel Kirkham. Kirkham will present a selection of new works based on casts, imprints and translations of discarded packaging and everyday materials.
“As in rites of passage, one can discern in making the three phases of separation, in which the material is removed from its former life, of transition, in which it is treated in the seclusion of the workshop, and of reincorporation into the settings of its subsequent career.”
Text excerpt from Making and Growing: An Introduction by Tim Ingold and Elizabeth Hallam
- Advance towards the Future
- Blob Infrastructure
- Fake Reals
- Tryouts for the Team
- Wiggle Room
- Domestic Dust
- Things that Tickle Me
- Attending
- Loose Ends
- Everything has its Place
- Becomings and Goings
- Schist
- Buttress
- Careers
- Urban Rocks
- I love the Future
- Worrying about Peanuts
- Being and Becoming
- Morning Recess
b. 1979 in Auckland, New Zealand, Joel Kirkham is co-founder of Goya Curtain. He lives and works in Tokyo, Japan.
ジョエル・カーカム(Joel Kirkham)
“So on and so forth”
会期: 1月21、24、25、27、28日15時〜19時、その他日時は要予約
プレ公開日: 1月21日(日)15時〜19時
Goya Curtainでは東京在住のアーティスト、ジョエル・カーカム(Joel Kirkham)による展示「“So on and so forth”」を開催いたします。カーカムは本展示で、捨てられた包装材や日常的な素材をもとに鋳造、刻印、変換を行った最新作品を発表します。
ティム・インゴルド(Tim Ingold)とエリザベス・ハーラム(Elizabeth Hallam)の共著『Making and Growing: An Introduction』より引用。
- Advance towards the Future(未来への前進)
- Blob Infrastructure(無形インフラ)
- Fake Reals(フェイク・リアル)
- Tryouts for the Team(入団試験)
- Wiggle Room(余地)
- Domestic Dust(ドメスティック・ダスト)
- Things that Tickle Me(私をくすぐるもの)
- Attending(参加する)
- Loose Ends(未決定事項)
- Everything has its Place(すべてのものに意味がある)
- Becomings and Goings(生まれるものと去りゆくもの)
- Schist(片岩)
- Buttress(バットレス)
- Careers(生涯)
- Urban Rocks(アーバン・ロック)
- I love the Future(未来が好き)
- Worrying about Peanuts(些細なことを気にしている)
- Being and Becoming(生けるものと生まれるもの)
- Morning Recess(朝の休み)
ジョエル・カーカム(Joel Kirkham) - 1979年ニュージーランドのオークランドに生まれる。Goya Curtainの共同創設者。東京を拠点に活躍中。