Yusuke Kihara, Dust Focus, 2004(ongoing), C-type hand printed, 31 x 40cm.

Yusuke Kihara, Dust Focus, 2004(ongoing), C-type hand printed, 31 x 40cm.

Yusuke Kihara + Joel Kirkham - Caves Gallery, Melbourne

(Japanese follows English)

September 14 - October 6, 2018

Goya Curtain is pleased to announce an exhibition hosted by Caves gallery in Melbourne featuring the work of Japan based artists Yusuke Kihara and Joel Kirkham.

At Caves, Kihara will present a selection of photographs taken inside commercial air ducts. The series titled ‘Dust Focus’ is accompanied by a book of the same name with a limited edition available at the gallery during the course of the exhibition.

Kirkham will present a selection of works that push against time by enacting a precarious stillness. These works implicate everyday objects and materials as emerging thoughts or symbols preserved in a state of suspended process.

Yusuke Kihara
b. 1977 in Hiroshima, is a photographer. He lives and works in Yokohama, Japan.

Joel Kirkham
b. 1979 in Auckland, New Zealand, is co-founder of Goya Curtain. He lives and works in Tokyo, Japan.


Joel Kirkham, Throwing in the Towel, 2018, towel, concrete, resin, paint, surfboard wax.
Joel Kirkham, Throwing in the Towel, 2018, towel, concrete, resin, paint, surfboard wax.

Joel Kirkham, Throwing in the Towel, 2018, towel, concrete, resin, paint, surfboard wax.

Joel Kirkham, Loose Ends, 2018, paper clay, concrete, paint, varnish, glue, used surfboard wax.

Joel Kirkham, Loose Ends, 2018, paper clay, concrete, paint, varnish, glue, used surfboard wax.

Joel Kirkham, Mystery Meat, 2018, glazed ceramic.

Joel Kirkham, Mystery Meat, 2018, glazed ceramic.

Joel Kirkham, Reclining Selfish, 2018, packaging, resin, glue and used surfboard wax.

Joel Kirkham, Reclining Selfish, 2018, packaging, resin, glue and used surfboard wax.

Joel Kirkham, Reclining Straw, 2018, straw, paper clay, glue, varnish and used surfboard wax.

Joel Kirkham, Reclining Straw, 2018, straw, paper clay, glue, varnish and used surfboard wax.

Joel Kirkham, Throwing in the Towel(Again), 2018, towel, glue and varnish.

Joel Kirkham, Throwing in the Towel(Again), 2018, towel, glue and varnish.

木原悠介 + ジョエル・カーカム - Caves ギャラリー(オーストラリア、メルボルン)


Goya Curtainはこの度、オーストラリアのメルボルンにあるCavesギャラリーで展示を開催することとなりました。本展示では日本在住の二人のアーティスト、木原悠介とジョエル・カーカムの作品を発表いたします。

Cavesでの展示で、木原は商業ビルのエアダクトで撮影した写真を披露します。「Dust Focus」と題された本シリーズは限定版で写真集も出版されており、本展示期間中ギャラリーで購入いただけます。


木原 悠介

1979年ニュージーランド、オークランド生まれ。Goya Curtainの共同創設者。東京を拠点に活動中。


Yusuke Kihara, Dust Focus #50, #42, & #54, 2004, C-type print